Greedy Algorithms with Sorting
Author: Darren Yao
Solving greedy problems by sorting the input.
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Usually, when using a greedy algorithm, there is a value function that determines which choice is considered most optimal. For example, we often want to maximize or minimize a certain quantity, so we take the largest or smallest possible value in the next step.
Here, we'll focus on problems where some sorting step is involved.
Example - Studying Algorithms
Steph wants to improve her knowledge of algorithms over winter break. She has a total of () minutes to dedicate to learning algorithms. There are () algorithms, and each one of them requires () minutes to learn. Find the maximum number of algorithms she can learn.
Focus Problem – try your best to solve this problem before continuing!
View Internal SolutionSolution - Studying Algorithms
The first observation we make is that Steph should prioritize learning algorithms from easiest to hardest; in other words, start with learning the algorithm that requires the least amount of time, and then choose further algorithms in increasing order of time required. Let's look at the following example:
After sorting the array, we have . Within the maximum of 15 minutes, Steph can learn four algorithms in a total of minutes.
The implementation of this algorithm is very simple. We sort the array, and then take as many elements as possible while the sum of times of algorithms chosen so far is less than . Sorting the array takes time, and iterating through the array takes time, for a total time complexity of .
// read in the input, store the algorithms in a vector, algorithmssort(algorithms.begin(), algorithms.end());int count = 0; // number of minutes used so farint i = 0;while (i < N && count + algorithms[i] <= x) {// while there is enough time, learn more algorithmscount += algorithms[i];i++;}cout << i << endl; // print the ans
// read in the input, store the algorithms in int[] algorithmsArrays.sort(algorithms);int count = 0; // number of minutes used so farint i = 0;while (i < N && count + algorithms[i] <= x) {// while there is enough time, learn more algorithmscount += algorithms[i];i++;}pw.println(i); // print the anspw.close();
# read in the input, store the algorithms in a list, algorithmsalgorithms.sort()count = 0 # number of minutes used so fari = 0while i < N and count + algorithms[i] <= x:# while there is enough time, learn more algorithmscount += algorithms[i]i += 1print(i) # print the ans
Example - The Scheduling Problem
Focus Problem – try your best to solve this problem before continuing!
There are events, each described by their starting and ending times. You can only attend one event at a time, and if you choose to attend an event, you must attend the entire event. Traveling between events is instantaneous. What's the maximum number of events you can attend?
Bad Greedy - Earliest Starting Next Event
One possible ordering for a greedy algorithm would always select the next possible event that begins as soon as possible. Let's look at the following example, where the selected events are highlighted in red:
In this example, the greedy algorithm selects two events, which is optimal. However, this doesn't always work, as shown by the following counterexample:
In this case, the greedy algorithm selects to attend only one event. However, the optimal solution would be the following:
Correct Greedy - Earliest Ending Next Event
Instead, we can select the event that ends as early as possible. This correctly selects the three events.
In fact, this algorithm always works. A brief explanation of correctness is as follows. If we have two events and , with ending later than , then it is always optimal to select . This is because selecting gives us more choices for future events. If we can select an event to go after , then that event can also go after , because ends first. Thus, the set of events that can go after is a subset of the events that can go after , making the optimal choice.
For the following code, let's say we have the array events
of events, which
each contain a start and an end point.
We'll be using the C++ built in container pair to store each event. Note that
since the standard sort in C++ sorts by first element, we will store each event
as pair<end, start>
// read in the input, store the events in pair<int, int>[] events.sort(events, events + n); // sorts by first element (ending time)int currentEventEnd = -1; // end of event currently attendingint ans = 0; // how many events were attended?for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { // process events in order of end timeif (events[i].second >= currentEventEnd) { // if event can be attended// we know that this is the earliest ending event that we can attend// because of how the events are sortedcurrentEventEnd = events[i].first;ans++;}}cout << ans << endl;
We'll be using the following static class to store each event:
static class Event implements Comparable<Event> {int start;int end;public Event(int s, int e) {start = s;end = e;}public int compareTo(Event e) { return, e.end); }}
// read in the input, store the events in Event[] events.Arrays.sort(events); // sorts by comparator we defined aboveint currentEventEnd = -1; // end of event currently attendingint ans = 0; // how many events were attended?for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { // process events in order of end timeif (events[i].start >= currentEventEnd) { // if event can be attended// we know that this is the earliest ending event that we can attend// because of how the events are sortedcurrentEventEnd = events[i].end;ans++;}}pw.println(ans);pw.close();
We'll be using a list of list to store the events.
# read in the input, store the events in [begin, end] format in list x: x[1])# sorts by second element (ending time)currentEventEnd = -1ans = 0 # how many events were attended?for i in range(n): # process events in order of end timeif events[i][0] >= currentEventEnd: # if event can be attended# we know that this is the earliest ending event that we can attend# because of how the events are sortedcurrentEventEnd = events[i][1]ans += 1print(ans)
When Greedy Fails
We'll provide a few common examples of when greedy fails, so that you can avoid falling into obvious traps and wasting time getting wrong answers in contest.
Coin Change
This problem gives several coin denominations, and asks for the minimum number of coins needed to make a certain value. Greedy algorithms can be used to solve this problem only in very specific cases (it can be proven that it works for the American as well as the Euro coin systems). However, it doesn't work in the general case. For example, let the coin denominations be , and say the value we want is 6. The optimal solution is , which requires only two coins, but the greedy method of taking the highest possible valued coin that fits in the remaining denomination gives the solution , which is incorrect.
The knapsack problem gives a number of items, each having a weight and a value, and we want to choose a subset of these items. We are limited to a certain weight, and we want to maximize the value of the items that we take.
Let's take the following example, where we have a maximum capacity of 4:
Item | Weight | Value | Value Per Weight |
A | 3 | 18 | 6 |
B | 2 | 10 | 5 |
C | 2 | 10 | 5 |
If we use greedy based on highest value first, we choose item A and then we are done, as we don't have remaining weight to fit either of the other two. Using greedy based on value per weight again selects item A and then quits. However, the optimal solution is to select items B and C, as they combined have a higher value than item A alone. In fact, there is no working greedy solution. The solution to this problem uses dynamic programming, which is covered in gold.
Status | Source | Problem Name | Difficulty | Tags | |
CSES | Easy | Show TagsMedian | |||
CSES | Easy | Show TagsSorting | |||
CSES | Easy | Show Tags2P, Greedy, Sorting | |||
CSES | Easy | Show TagsGreedy, Sorting | |||
CSES | Easy | Show TagsBinary Search, Greedy, LIS, Sorted Set | |||
CSES | Normal | Show TagsGreedy, Sorted Set, Sorting | |||
CSES | Hard | Show TagsGreedy, Sorted Set |
Status | Source | Problem Name | Difficulty | Tags | |
CF | Easy | Show Tags2P, Greedy, Sorting | |||
Silver | Easy | Show TagsGreedy, Sorting | |||
Silver | Easy | Show TagsGreedy, Sorted Set, Sorting | |||
Gold | Easy | Show TagsGreedy, Sorted Set, Sorting | |||
CF | Easy | Show TagsGreedy, Sorting | |||
Silver | Easy | Show TagsGreedy | |||
Silver | Normal | Show TagsGreedy, Sorted Set | |||
Silver | Normal | Show TagsGreedy, Sorting | |||
CF | Normal | Show TagsGreedy | |||
Silver | Hard | Show Tags2P, Greedy, Sorting | |||
Gold | Very Hard | Show TagsGreedy, Set, Sorting |
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